Hocking Hills Hello

The Hocking Hills region is Ohio's scenic wonderland - gorges, waterfalls, hiking & bridle trails, fishing and more. This blog will provide tidbits of information about current happenings in the Hocking Hills, as well as reports of daily life in the country. It's also a great way to stay up to date on great deals at Marsh Hollow, our log cabin vacation rental property at Marsh Hollow (www.marsh-hollow.com).

Sunday, April 30, 2006

Lilac Time

Yes, the lilacs are in full bloom as are the dogwood trees. They've been blooming for a week, but this weekend must have been the peak. The redbud trees are starting to leaf out, so the blooms are fading. I really can't decide which is my favorite of these three - guess I don't have too!

Even more exciting news: Dave saw a single hummingbird earlier this week. I'd better get the feeders washed, filled and hung up. Those little birds are very demanding.

Our Eastern phoebes built their regular nest on our front porch. I haven't checked for eggs yet, but mama and papa phoebe are always around. Little Six (our black kitty) loves to sit on the window cell and watch them fly back & forth. They've picked a good spot - Six cannot climb up to the nest.

Monday, April 24, 2006

Mushroom Hunt (Wildflower walk)

Our friend Sandy came over yesterday to hunt for mushrooms (morels). In past years, we have found a few, but expected better results 'cause we thought Sandy, being a born and raised country girl, would give us an edge. Not so. She told us we had lots of prime locations, but we found no mushrooms. Even the usual little patch had zip. We'll try again in a few days, after we get the next rain.

However, we found a lot of wildflowers, among them Bluets, Violets, White Violets, Wild Sweet William, Large White Trillim and Golden Ragwort. The May Apples are sprouting everywhere, but the flowers aren't open yet . Dogwood blooms appear to be floating at the edge of the woods, and the Redbuds are really putting on a spectacular display this year. Speaking of Dogwoods, there is an absolutely gorgeous old, pink Dogwood on Route 56 in Laurelville, just east of the Apple House. It blooms beautifully, year after year.

While not wild, our crabapple trees are heavy with flowers this year. And smell wonderful. The lilacs should pop open in a few days! My favorite.